Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I am officially the worst blogger ever!!!
I started this two years ago and forgot all about it!!
Well this year has gone by so fast!! My little one just turned 2 on the 16th. I can not believe she is 2 already!
Evelynn is the sweetest most brilliant 2 year old I know, she talks, she walks, she jumps, she climbs (anything) she's was potty trained by 19 months!!! She loves to help me do the dished by climbing into the empty sink to play in the water. She loves babys and dolls, coloring and building blocks. Evelynn has also stollen her daddys heart. They are two peas in a pod!! We are in serious trouble when the teen years arrive; I don't think he knows the word no when it comes to her :)

What can I say about my sweet Tay?!?
This little man is all boy! He loves catching bugs and grossing out his sisters!  Give him a dinasour or robot and he will be happy for hours.  He loves going fishing with his dad (and Uncle Jordan)  and begs to go all the time! His favorite places are the park and the museum. He is such a little angle and is following in his daddys foot steps, wanting to be everyones protector! No one better mess with his family!! :) We went gluten free for him 2 years ago and he is doing awsome! He has learned to ask me if something has gluten in it or not. Which is a great thing because we no longer have to wrestling things away from him and have a screaming fit!  Even though he is growing leaps and bounds he is still a little guy and he and Eve can wear the same clothes. (4/5)  But I am sure that wont be for that much longer!!

And of coure lets not forget Ali Bear!!
I love this kid!! She has the biggest heart and so beautiful! Truely a princess!!
She is doing so great in second grade this year. We just had confrencess and her teacher just raved and raved about her, calling her an amazing mathmaticion!! Ali also loves everything creative. Her extra curicullars this year are puppet theatre and musical theatre! She loves to draw and is quite the perfectionist about it. When she get it in her head to draw something it has to be just right and we will have an entire notebook crumbled on the floor before it makes her aproval! She also loves to build things, her favorites include doll and fairy houses! Ali has also devoloped this fear of hieghts, refusing to let us go into the mountains for any reason. I don't know what started it but she doesnt even want to look at the mountains, I think maybe she had motion sickness the last time we went to the cabin and now she doesnt want to have anything to do with them.

Welcome to the newest member of our family!! My sweet Diesel!! He is a sweet Cane Corso, he is now 11 months old and much bigger then this. I think I am the only person to understand this dog. Being a cane corso he is very protective and has chosen me as his one person, though he does love and protect the entire family, he is my shadow everywhere  I go and in true Corso fashion, he likes No one outside the family! He wont bite unless provoced but he will sit in a corner growling the whole time. We recently had some people over and I had to haul him to the bedroom he was so on edge. But he is a sweety when its just us and acts like a normal dog. We are hoping to get a Golden or somehting very loving to be his friend and playmate to help socialize him. Corsos are very capable of becoming well socialized and acting "normal" its just alot of work. So far he has been amazing! Lets hope it continues, because I love this dog!!!!

Well I suppose that is all my updates for now.
Or is it? lol.........
I guess you'll find out soon enough!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wedding Day

Casey and I, just married at the justice of peace in dowtown denver. One day I'll get an actual wedding...(lol It might end up being an aniversary party one of these years)